Gastric Sleeve Surgery
The gastric sleeve, or sleeve gastrectomy, is one of today’s most popular bariatric procedures.

How it Works
During a gastric sleeve, the majority of the stomach is removed, leaving you with a much smaller stomach shaped like a banana. With a smaller stomach, patients usually find that they feel full after eating much less than before. Additionally, the gastric sleeve removes a portion of your stomach that creates a hormone called ghrelin. Ghrelin makes you feel hungry. Many of our patients report that they just don’t feel hungry the way they did before the sleeve surgery.
What to Expect
Patients are often in the hospital 1 – 2 days after the gastric sleeve surgery. Initially, you’ll consume only liquids. You’ll then progress to purees, followed by soft foods through the adjustment and healing process. Our team will work with you to make sure you’re comfortable with the changes that will help you get the most benefit from your surgery.
Dr. LaMasters and her team care about your long term success. Our comprehensive care does not end on your surgery date. Instead, we’ll work with you to achieve your goals, one step at a time.

Weight Loss with Sleeve Surgery
Most patients who undergo gastric sleeve surgery, lose a significant amount of weight. The surgery is a tool that allows your efforts to really pay off. You’ll work with our team, including exercise physiologists and mental health specialists, to find a path to success that works for you. Instead of just focusing on the scale, we’ll help you achieve meaningful milestones that can’t be measured by a single number. Our comprehensive care team model means a great chance of finding the success you want.